Behind the lens and into the shoot, follow my notes and stories.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lomeli Family

The Lomeli family drove a few hours to come have me take pictures of them. It is still hard for me to believe that my photography is doing well and people are enjoying my images. I have always loved photography but more the art sense of it...NOT the technical side. The Lomeli family drove down and got lucky with a beautiful day. We did indeed spend some time out in the wet grass and they were all good sports!


Baby Colt was such a little sweetie pic, so tiny! He was lucky enough to have mommy, daddy and grandma here to help out with the shoot. I manged to get some great pictures of him as well as the family. He was just days old when he was here but so content, I can't wait to see him grow. That is one of the best parts of this job - watching all the babies and children grow and change.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chadie and Brenner Brenner

These are two of my favorite boys ever! So this shoot went easy for me, they were both great. Mom and Dad promised ice cream with m&ms on top when they were through, if they listened; and they did! They are so easy to shoot; Chad has such beautiful eyes and you really can't get any cuter then Brenner. One of these boys will hopefully be one of my son-in-laws one day!! We hit a break in the weather and had a beautiful day!! I have to admit that the green grassy field was a little wet, after 1000 days of rain (felt like 1000 days, but really 8).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This is the first time I met Greyson and family and what a cutie he is. What beautiful eyelashes and eyes he has. I could have spent the entire shoot taking pictures of just his eyes. The hard part is getting a toddler to look at the camera!!! We booked the shoot thinking it was going to be a cloudy rainy day and wow -- it turned out amazing outside. Planning around mother nature isn't easy., but he shoot turned out great. Thank you for driving an hour and a half to get to me!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Kicking off the Londen Photography blog, here to talk about the behind the scenes notes! I am very excited to be doing this, I am truly in love with taking pictures of children. I favor what I call the "in between" images. The pictures with drool, tears, laughter and mud! I focus in on that child's personality and go from there.
Well, wish me luck at trying to keep up with the blog! People always ask what happens during shoots...well you can read all about it here!

As my daughter Londen would say "Peace Out"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sweet Santana

Is she the cutest thing or what! Her mother and I swam together when we were kids. I haven't seen her in years and she looked exactly the same! She walked in with her little gorgeous daughter and I was delighted! Santana did not cry the entire shoot and boy did she love to be naked!